Garden Arbors

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

Garden arbors have become a very popular landscape feature that thousands of homeowners are opting to include in their gardens. This creates a terrific business opportunity for the innovative entrepreneur to capitalize on by starting a homebased business that manufactures and sells garden arbors. If you have the ability, you can design your own trademark arbors. Or, if you are lacking in design talent, plans are readily available at most building centers for constructing garden arbors. Only a small workshop space and basic tools will be required for this endeavor. Establishing alliances with architects and landscape designers will enable you to capture the custom made-to-order arbor market. Or you can opt to create standard arbors that can be sold to building centers wholesale. Do not overlook the power of the Internet in terms of marketing the arbors, as this is the type of home improvement product that is not readily available in every community, so some people will seek out the product via the Web.

Garden Arbors Ideas

Cactus Arrangements

A beautiful cactus arrangement won't leave recipients feeling prickly.


If flower arrangements are your specialty, consider being a florist.

Tree Trimming And Removal Services

Help clients contour and control their landscapes.

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